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About Us

Mission & History

Our mission is to help our neighbors with sustainable, nutritious food supplies. To fulfill what Jesus said "Whatever you did for one of these least brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me" Matthew 25:40

It's simple. We want to make our community a better place through education and the enlisting of our citizens to bring services to those in need. We accomplish our mission through our core values:

  1. Every single person is valuable.
  2. Each person is worth our time and assistance when services are needed.
  3. When people are treated with respect, they respect themselves.
  4. The joy we experience in this work is shared with others.
  5. We strive to nourish people in the manner God intended.

In 1986, Jerry and Denise Broomfield began assisting families in crisis with food from the back of their small church in Weed. In 2001 they organized Siskiyou Food Assistance, a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to ministering to those suffering from food insecurity.  

Siskiyou Food Assistance is funded by donations from individuals, churches, businesses, fundraising events, and grants.

We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors who work tirelessly to find new ways to meet the ever-increasing need.

Through all these years our purpose still remains the same:

  • To be a sustainable source of nutritional food to those in need throughout the south Siskiyou area.
  • To help provide others with the tools to become more nutritionally self sustaining.
  • We are committed to helping those in need to become helpers themselves.
  • To become a rally point for our community to help meet this need.
  • We will be sensitive to the spiritual needs of those we interact with and happy to share the gospel.